5. Specific Example:
Point: MGS can teach patience and how to control your rage through extremely difficult gameplay.
Specific Example: When I first got really into MGS (only 2 years ago), I was really impatient and stupid, so MGS may not have seemed the best buy for me in the early stages of playtime. I bought MGS 2 and MGS 3, and boy was it annoying. It was the first time I played a game where it required me to be patient and plan ahead, to really think about what I was doing. It was hard. I had heard about it, but when first going through, everything about the game was bad, except the guy controlling it, I would die constantly, get stuck, die some more, until finally through sheer luck I realized I needed to get something I had passed about 6 times to advance. But throughout the games I slowly improved, made plans, and was finally really enjoying it. So I got angry less and less, and was patient in my game. So by the time I finally got around to MGS 4, there was no real problems for me. MGS had helped out in teaching me patience and how to control my anger.
6. Contrast: There are a lot of games that have almost nothing in common with Metal Gear Solid, but throughout this post the game series that I believe is the most dissimilar with MGS is the Call of Duty series, (the later installments). The latest games Call of Duty has made, are so similar to each other that it can be said they are 2 parts of the same game. They are now entirely fictional, one of the only similarities with MGS, and like I said before, the easiest path in each campaign is to run and gun, no thought required. Back in it's early days, Call of Duty produced games that actually weren't just a rehash of it's last game, and could actually pose some kind of difficulty to the player, (I know this from experience). This is totally unlike MGS , which as I mentioned before, is very challenging and requires complex thought. The only other similarity I see between these games besides fiction, is that they both use guns as weapons...